Our Kick-Off Event is Feb. 13th from 7-9:30pm @ Handsome Coffee!



Great meeting today with Meghan from Los Angeles Conservation Corps

Every day there is work to be done starting this new organization with Katherine- whether it's developing new relationships with people and organizations or being fortunate to foster old relationships.  Today was a day to reconnect with Meghan Shearer- the Senior Program Manager at LACC - she has supported Katherine's IDG tree plantings over the years - and separately my Arts District tree planting event this past April.

In case we haven't mentioned it before -  Katherine and I had organized our last tree plantings on the same day before knowing each other- -  and would end up being introduced to each other by a mutual friend, General Jeff, who had the foresight to connect us two tree huggers.  

Having been introduced a few weeks prior to our plantings- we were amazed by our overlapping contacts and connections.  Katherine had been working with Meghan for months - - while  I had more recently been brought together with her as I was organizing concrete cuts utilizing different funding sources.  Tim Keating- an Arts District resident and fellow tree planter had worked with Meghan over the years and connected us - so that I could get the work done.  I had had a great working relationship with LACC years ago but hadn't worked with them in about 13 years and was excited to work with them again.  

So - fast forward to today! Today's meeting was to reconnect and discuss how we can work together in 2014!!! New TREE PLANTINGS!  Lots to talk about - lots to do and lots to plan for…. all exciting and we will most likely be looking to plant on 7th street in both Skid Row and the Arts District.  We also had a chance to talk about both Katherine's and my trees that are have some struggles.  

Below is a picture of one of my Tabebuia trees…  


what the what??? dropping it's leaves and flowering?? in December.. something is awry but no answers at the moment… It's alive… confused… and hopefully will get it together by Spring time.

And Below is a picture of one of Katherine's Australian Willows that is struggling probably due to soil issues (strangely enough part of Skid Row has a heavy clay soil - - - while the Arts District is more of an silty loam - more typical of soil along a river bank… I want to research why this is the case… strange to me that just blocks away the soil is this different - - possible infill??… maybe due to the light industrial history of Skid Row?  not sure.. Also the tree below although I appreciate the attempt to personalize this tree and enjoy the holiday festivities - - the tree is struggling with the weight on it's branches.  


More updates soon! 



Briefing on the Arts District Park Meeting

I went to the second Rec and Parks community input meeting tonight for the 'coming soon' Arts District Park.  This park will be located on the corner of Hewitt and 5th street on LADWP land.  The park originally was going to be a CRA project but since the CRA has been dissolved - LA City's Rec and Parks has now taken up this project and it will be paid for with Quimby funds.  

Two years ago there were series of community design meetings that I attended.  Architect Alice Kimm and her firm JFAK Architects were the lead architects on this project.  Since Rec and Parks has taken over this AD Park Project, they have set up these 'new' community input meetings to revisit all the communities' ideas', our 'want' list and our concerns.  Fortunately Alice Kimm is still involved in this process, and I was pleased to see our community input from two years ago has been transferred over and relayed to Rec and Parks relatively well.  This is displayed in the plan with more organic shapes and more opportunities for respite areas and gathering areas.  


Tonight - the two 'new' Rec and Parks plan were presented with very different concepts.  The plan above shows a more organic, less 'structured' plan.  The plan below shows a more structured and organized design.  


I will post a link tomorrow for community members, who could not make the meeting but would like a vote on which plan they prefer.  
