Samantha Christian, Social Media Intern
Samantha connected to us by way of volunteering at a tree-mapping event. She later came on board as our first social media intern, writing several educational blog posts as well as setting up and attracting many followers to our Instagram account. Originally from Detroit, Samantha graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in Sustainability. She has experience interning for Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council in Northern Michigan and with Industrial District Green where she assisted in education and outreach. She is currently a Project Coordinator with The Energy Coalition that helps build positive relationships among cities, energy consumers and their service utilities to facilitate sustainability and energy efficiency.
Nina Carrieri, Volunteer Editor
Nina has been assisting with the editing of our periodic newsletters. With a background both in teaching English and working for other NGOs, she has been of great assistance in helping us fine-tune our message. Nina graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Liberal Studies from Sonoma State University's Hutchins School of Liberal Studies. She later earned her M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John's College in Annapolis, MD, and remains dedicated to an interdisciplinary liberal arts philosophy of dialog, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. When she is not making major life changes, she likes to day trip, car camp, cook, and dream about traveling around the world.
Trina Bird, Volunteer Street Tree Team Supervisor & Board Member
Trina sits on Industrial District Green's Board and also volunteers as supervisor for the Street Tree Team. She is presently a peer specialist in the mental health sector with over 15 years of experience working in social and environmental non-profit programs. Her passion involves working closely with people of all walks of life to encourage, inspire, and empower under-served urban communities. Trina previously worked for non-profit organizations such as the California Conservation Corps (CCC), the LA Conservation Corps (LACC), and L.A. Family Housing. Projects she has overseen include tree plantings, trail construction, scenic litter abatement, graffiti removal, mural paintings, and facilitation of life skills workshops.
Lynn Rossi, Volunteer Street Tree Team Supervisor
Lynn is connected to the arts and culture community of Skid Row through her photography. Originally from the Detroit area, she has been living In Los Angeles since 2005. Much of Lynn's work explores the surrealism of history and science as well as the Civil Rights movement. The majority of Lynn's work involves building large scale sets where she utilizes her carpentry skills. She is also a certified welder. Lynn has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and supervises Industrial District Green's Street Tree Team, where her skills come in especially handy helping to build tree-guards around new trees which she does alongside local residents. In her spare time, Lynn enjoys playing the flute, bike riding and reading.
Karen Espanol, Volunteer Writer